
|Posed:  10/26/2004 - 8:48 PM

Red berry stained lips
permanently puckered
spun copper tresses and
narrowed almond eyes
she's never doubted her position.
She twirls the world on a string
everyone all too eager
to exist for her amusement.
She sits in wait of ways
to be discontent
as her meaning is found
in that which she lacks
and happiness is settling.
Her days are a game
she will always win
for this is the power
of beauty.

yesterday| |tomorrow

Job Opening, Likely Temp Work - 11/30/2005
Damn It - 10/08/2005
True Words For Too Many - 10/07/2005
A Drop of Golden Sun - 10/07/2005
Fraud - 10/01/2005

all content is mine. ask before using.