
|Enthrallment:  11/15/2004 - 6:18 PM

That's the way it works
isn't it?
It isn't a decision
something to be prepared for
the risk carefully measured
calculated for safety
It's a series of little events
precious simplicity
a silly dance
the predictible number of sneezes
a shared fit of giggles
expressions while dreaming
a warm embrace to comfort tears
and suddenly
after two or ten or a thousand
you realize that
you don't want to be
without this person
you realize that
you're in love
your tomorrows laced
within every eyelash
every crooked grin
every freckle, scar, and mole
every glance that lasts
a beat longer than necessary.
Love is the small moments
day in and day out
and wanting no one else
for the large ones.

yesterday| |tomorrow

Job Opening, Likely Temp Work - 11/30/2005
Damn It - 10/08/2005
True Words For Too Many - 10/07/2005
A Drop of Golden Sun - 10/07/2005
Fraud - 10/01/2005

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