
|Miss Suzy's Steamboat:  10/18/2004 - 8:15 PM

Sing-song jump rope and hide 'n' seek
baseball cards and bedtime stories
closet monsters and training wheels
snowball fights and Santa Claus
drift away so softly
the thrill of
first peck-cheek kisses
overlapping with
the sense of guilt
brought on by
stepping on a crack
in the sidewalk
and always older
always older
racing the clock for
permanent teeth
longer limbs
untissued bras
and lipstick freedom
but years pass by
before your eyes
knowledge through experience
replacing innocent insight
no longer chasing lightning bugs
in the precious few moments
before the streetlights come on.

yesterday| |tomorrow

Job Opening, Likely Temp Work - 11/30/2005
Damn It - 10/08/2005
True Words For Too Many - 10/07/2005
A Drop of Golden Sun - 10/07/2005
Fraud - 10/01/2005

all content is mine. ask before using.