
|Yearning:  09/15/2004 - 3:11 PM

I linger
within discordant shadows
and quarreling winds
waiting for feathers to fall
upon my somnolent limbs
wondering if hope felt unfamiliar
on your tongue
wondering if its aberrant syllable
harmless without context
caught in your throat
at inconvenient times.
Do you shiver
as it passes your lips
in the witching hour
lest your whisper be heard?
Like the hush of love
only having no captive
no motive
no imposter.

yesterday| |tomorrow

Job Opening, Likely Temp Work - 11/30/2005
Damn It - 10/08/2005
True Words For Too Many - 10/07/2005
A Drop of Golden Sun - 10/07/2005
Fraud - 10/01/2005

all content is mine. ask before using.