
|Scrapbook:  09/04/2004 - 9:18 PM

Snippets of conversations
images flowing from one to another
the faces of the men I've loved
the promises they made
the lies they told
the parts of me they created
The ones who ran
the ones I discarded in fear
the ones I thought I knew
the ones I thought knew me.
I've not been blameless.
I've been handed the gift of someone
and walked away instead
a preemptive strike
telling myself that it would only be a matter of time
before I was hurt again
never believing myself
worthy of joy.
Maybe I wasn't then.
But maybe I am now.
Maybe all it takes is
the courage to start a new page.

yesterday| |tomorrow

Job Opening, Likely Temp Work - 11/30/2005
Damn It - 10/08/2005
True Words For Too Many - 10/07/2005
A Drop of Golden Sun - 10/07/2005
Fraud - 10/01/2005

all content is mine. ask before using.